Graffiti Becomes “Legal” In Budapest

Grafittis are usually frowned upon, but Budapest came up with a hip idea to incorporate street art into our everyday lives. The city’s famous street artist, Gergely VOID, known for his iconic Kazinczy Street gate, has recently transformed an electrical box at Oktogon into a stunning work of art.
This project is part of the “Legal Street Art Actions” initiative, funded by the city’s community budget. The aim is to revitalize neglected street elements such as ventilation shafts, columns, electrical boxes, benches, and bus stops by entrusting their decoration to local volunteers and artists.
Last October, four public art events took place involving artists, enthusiasts, and students, organized by the Deák17 Children and Youth Art Gallery. This year, the Budapest provided more creative surfaces for street artists at three locations. ️
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The refreshing artistic initiative will conclude this summer with more new creations. Don’t miss the opportunity to witness the community-driven revival of Budapest’s streets, making the city more friendly and colorful.
Keep an eye out for these legal and highly anticipated street art projects that are adding a splash of color to the city!
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