Budapest stories

Budapest Zoo Keeps Its Residents and Visitors Cool During the Scorching Summer

Budapest Zoo

As the summer heat waves hit Budapest, many people wonder how the animals at the Budapest Zoo, especially those from colder climates like penguins and polar bears, cope with the high temperatures. But fear not, the zoo’s residents are doing just fine, thanks to the well-established tricks and techniques employed by the zoo staff.

According to Zoltán Hanga, the spokesperson for the Budapest Zoo, most of the animals living in the zoo come from southern and Mediterranean regions, where they are used to the heat. “Although we often associate penguins with cold environments, the African penguins living in our zoo are actually from the southern coasts of Africa,” he said. “Nevertheless, they still enjoy their pool, the shading sails, and the misting machines.” (By the way, misting gates have also been set up along the zoo’s walking paths for the two-legged visitors.)

Many of the zoo’s residents love to splash around in water. Elephants, despite being from tropical regions, enjoy submerging themselves in their pool during the summer, and the zookeepers gradually spray them with a hose, which they particularly love. The animals’ enclosures always have shady and sunny areas, allowing them to choose the ideal environment for themselves.

In addition to the essential fresh, clean water, the animals occasionally receive frozen treats, which serve more as entertainment and environmental enrichment than cooling.

As for Lloyd, the polar bear at the Budapest Zoo, he is currently enjoying his vacation at the Nyíregyháza Animal Park. After some renovations, brown bears will move into his enclosure on the side of Kisszikla.

The zoo staff ensures the comfort of their animals during the heatwave by providing pools, misting gates, shady resting areas, plenty of drinking water, and cooling water sprays. But they haven’t forgotten about their two-legged visitors either! Misting gates have been placed at several points along the zoo’s walking paths. Plus, the zoo’s microclimate is inherently much more pleasant than most parts of the city, thanks to the abundance of plants, shady trees, and open water surfaces.

So, if you’re looking for a cool place to visit during the scorching summer days, consider heading to the Budapest Zoo. Not only will you get to see how the animals are keeping cool, but you can also enjoy the refreshing misting gates and the zoo’s pleasant microclimate. Just remember to bring your sunscreen and stay hydrated – unless you want to end up looking like a lobster! And if you want to be 100% sure not to get surburn, visit the Zoo during one their guided night tours!

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