Exploring Budapest Safety

Budapest is a popular destination for tourists from around the world. With its rich history, beautiful architecture, and vibrant culture, it’s no wonder that millions of visitors flock to this city each year. While Budapest has been named one of the safest cities in Europe to visit, it’s always wise to take precautions and be aware of your surroundings. In this article, we’ll provide you with some essential safety tips to ensure a worry-free and enjoyable stay in Budapest.

Is Budapest safe?

Yes, Budapest is safe for travel, as long as you use your common sense and stay aware of your surroundings. Stick to well-lit areas, avoid walking alone late at night, and inform someone of your whereabouts if you’re out late. By taking these simple steps, you can enjoy the city’s nightlife with peace of mind.

Personal Experiences

Many travelers have shared positive experiences about their time in Budapest. They often mention feeling safe while exploring the city at night. One traveler noted, “Yes, as long as you use your travel common sense and keep your wits about you, Budapest is perfectly safe to visit.” This sentiment is echoed by many who have enjoyed the city’s vibrant nightlife without any issues.

Key Takeaways

  • Budapest is generally safe, even at night, but it’s important to stay in well-lit places and avoid crowded areas.
  • The more the merrier: stay together with your group, and look out for each other. 
  • Public transportation is reliable and safe, but always keep an eye on your belongings to avoid pickpocketing.
  • Be cautious of common scams, such as taxi overcharging and restaurant bill padding.
  • Walking and biking are safe ways to explore the city, but always follow local traffic rules and stay alert.

Getting Around Safely

When you arrive at the airport or train station in Budapest, it’s essential to use official taxi services or well-known ride-sharing apps to ensure your safety and avoid being overcharged. Steer clear of unlicensed taxis or offers from strangers, as they may engage in fraudulent activities or charge you excessively. If you’re unsure about the legitimacy of a transportation service, don’t hesitate to ask your hotel or hostel for recommendations.

Budapest is known for its efficient and comprehensive public transportation system, which includes trams, buses, and metro lines. While generally safe, it’s important to be vigilant and keep an eye on your belongings in crowded areas to prevent pickpocketing. 

For a more immersive experience, consider exploring Budapest on foot or by bike. The city is pedestrian-friendly, with well-maintained sidewalks and numerous attractions within walking distance of each other. Budapest has an extensive network of cycling paths, making it easy and enjoyable to discover the city’s hidden gems on two wheels.  

Be Cautious In Crowded Areas 

As with any major city, pickpocketing and petty theft can occur in crowded tourist areas such as public transportation, markets, and popular attractions. Keep your valuables close to you and be aware of your surroundings. Consider using a money belt or a cross-body bag to keep your belongings secure.

Make sure that you are aware of your surroundings at all times, which can be useful in finding your way around in Budapest and in avoiding unpleasant situations. 

Public Transportation

Budapest has a well-maintained and extensive public transportation network, including trams, buses, metro, and suburban railway lines. These services are generally safe and reliable. Special care should also be taken during peak hours and on crowded routes. Always be mindful of your belongings to guard against pickpocketing. Public transport in Budapest is a safe and convenient way to explore the city.

Taxis and Rideshares

Taxis in Budapest are generally considered safe and reliable. All legally operating taxis are yellow, equipped with a taxi meter, and display a prominent company logo and the fare table. It’s always advisable to book a taxi via an app or to hail one from designated taxi ranks rather than picking up unmarked taxis on the street. Budapest also has rideshare services such as Uber Taxi and Bolt, so make sure any taxi you get is fully licensed. However, there are some common taxi scams you need to watch out for.

Walking and Biking

Walking around Budapest is considerably safe. The city is very easy to navigate by foot or by bike. Just stay alert and be mindful of your surroundings. Walking, biking, and public transportation are the best ways to discover Budapest. You should have a lovely experience exploring the fairytale streets of Budapest.

Common Scams and How to Avoid Them

Budapest, like many popular tourist destinations, has its fair share of scams targeting visitors. To ensure a safe and enjoyable trip, it’s essential to be aware of these common scams and know how to protect yourself. By being aware of these common scams and taking the necessary precautions, you can protect yourself and enjoy a safe and memorable trip to Budapest.

Taxi Scams

Taxi scams are prevalent in Budapest, with some drivers employing dishonest tactics to overcharge passengers. These scams can include refusing to turn on the meter or intentionally taking longer routes to inflate the fare. To protect yourself from falling victim to such scams, it is essential to take precautionary measures.

Always use licensed taxis that display the logo of one of the taxi companies and the fee table on the side of vehicle. You might also consider booking through a trusted ride-sharing app like Bolt. These apps provide transparency in pricing and allow you to track your route, reducing the likelihood of being overcharged. If you must hail a taxi from the street, be sure to check that it is  a qualified, licensed taxi before starting your journey to avoid any surprises.

Before getting into a taxi, insist that the driver use the meter and familiarize yourself with the approximate cost and route to your destination. This knowledge will help you identify any attempts to overcharge you or take you on an unnecessarily long route.

You can learn more about taxis and ride sharing services from our Private Transport Budapest guide.

Restaurant Overcharging

In areas frequented by tourists, some restaurants and bars may take advantage of visitors by charging excessively high prices for food and drinks. To avoid falling victim to these practices, always review the menu and prices before placing an order. When ordering make sure that you order specific items and brand of drinks to make sure that there is no “mixup” when it comes to billing. Some places might serve you the more expensive options if your order is general and could be “misunderstood”.

Be cautious of establishments that do not display prices openly or provide separate menus for tourists, as these could be red flags. It’s advisable to research restaurants in advance and read reviews from previous customers to identify places known for overcharging.

When settling your bill, opt to pay using your credit or debit card instead of cash. If the restaurant offers to charge you in Euros, politely decline, as the exchange rates provided by these establishments are often significantly worse than those offered by banks or official exchange offices. Insist on being charged in the local currency to ensure you receive a fair rate. Check the bill to see if there are no extra or overpriced items, and count the change if you are using cash for payment.

If you find yourself in a situation where the prices seem unreasonable or you feel you’ve been overcharged, don’t hesitate to voice your concerns to the staff or management. If the issue is not resolved satisfactorily, consider reporting the establishment to local authorities or tourism boards to help prevent others from experiencing similar problems.

By being vigilant, informed, and assertive, you can minimize the risk of falling prey to restaurant scams and enjoy your dining experiences without unnecessary financial stress.


Pickpocketing is a prevalent issue in crowded places such as public transportation, markets, and popular tourist spots or street performances. Sometimes pickpockets working in groups would create loud scenes to draw the attention of bystanders while their “colleagues” rid them of their valuables. 

To minimize the risk of falling victim to this crime, it’s essential to keep your belongings close to your body and remain vigilant of your surroundings. Avoid carrying large sums of cash and instead, opt to leave your passport and other valuable documents securely stored in your hotel safe. To further protect yourself from pickpockets, consider using a money belt or a cross-body bag that you can keep in front of you at all times. 

By implementing these precautionary measures and maintaining a heightened sense of awareness, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of becoming a target for pickpockets and other common scams, allowing you to fully enjoy your time exploring the beautiful city of Budapest.

Money Exchange Scams

When traveling, be wary of people who approach you on the street offering to exchange money. These individuals may attempt to deceive you by using counterfeit bills or charging unreasonably high exchange rates. To protect yourself from falling victim to such scams, it is advisable to only exchange currency at authorized exchange offices or reputable banks. By doing so, you can ensure that you receive genuine currency at competitive and fair exchange rates, minimizing the risk of financial loss during your travels.

Another scam you want to avoid are ATMs that are not linked to banks. Travelers should be cautious of ‘Euronet’ ATMs or those marked ‘EUR-HUF,’ as they may have less favorable exchange rates. Beside the extremely high rates and the hidden fees, these ATMs often prompt users to withdraw irrationally high amounts of money making the whole transaction even more expensive. In such cases use the “Different amount” option to set the amount to withdraw. It is recommended to use ATMs of well-known and trustworthy banks such as Citibank, Erste Bank, OTP Bank, K&H Bank, CIB Bank, Raiffeisen Bank, and Budapest Bank. Always opt to receive funds in Hungarian Forints when withdrawing money from an ATM.

Luckily, most of the time you won’t even need to exchange money, as you can use your credit or debit card almost everywhere. You can learn more about the Hungarian currency and the available payment options in the Currency and Payments in Budapest guide. You can also check our post about useful money tips.

Overpriced And Fake Tickets

Be cautious of ticket scalpers who try to sell overpriced tickets for events or attractions and even travel passes. To protect yourself from this common scam, make sure to only buy tickets from official vendors or through the authorized websites of the events or attractions you intend to attend. By doing so, you can ensure that you are paying a fair price and receiving legitimate tickets.

Damsel In Distress Looking For Drinking Buddies

Be cautious with overly friendly people who might have some hidden agenda. Especially solo travelers might be approached by someone looking for help or just wanting to hang out. Scammers, usually women working in pairs, might propose to grab a drink or something to bite, but they will disappear when it’s time pay the bill. They usually work together with questionable bars and cafes where the drinks are already overcharged and the bills tend to have several “mistakes” making the final sum even higher than what was actually ordered.

Street “Vendors”

Busy tourist areas attract a lot of scammers posing as street vendors. Some individuals might walk up to you trying to sell phones, perfumes, or other goods. These scammers don’t have a permit to sell these items, and their source is more often then not questionable to say the least. So if you are approached to get the latest Channel perfume for a ridiculously low amount, you can be sure that it’s a cheap fake. Sometimes these “vendors” might even work together with pickpockets who can rid you of your valuables while you argue with the seller.

Another issue are vendors who hand out items to you seemingly for free, but then expect money in return. Make sure not to take anything from people approaching you on the street.

Is Budapest safe at night?

Budapest boasts a low crime rate, and violent crimes are rare. However, it’s always wise to exercise caution and remain vigilant, especially when exploring unfamiliar areas at night. To minimize risks, stick to well-lit and populated streets, where you can enjoy the lively atmosphere without compromising your safety.

Budapest Nightlife Area

Budapest is renowned for its vibrant nightlife, offering a wide range of bars, clubs, and restaurants, particularly in popular areas like the Jewish Quarter. While the city is generally safe for tourists, even after dark, it’s essential to take some precautions to ensure a pleasant and secure experience.

When out and about in the bustling Budapest nightlife area districts, keep a close eye on your belongings, particularly in crowded places. Pickpocketing can occur in popular tourist areas, so be mindful of your surroundings and keep your valuables secure.

Getting Around At Night

Even though parties can get wild, it’s better to call it a night if you feel you have had enough to drink. The best choice is to retire to your accommodation together with your traveling buddies. However, if you are traveling solo and you feel uncomfortable walking back to your accommodation late at night, consider taking a taxi or ride-sharing service. This ensures a safe and direct route to your destination, giving you peace of mind.

By following these simple guidelines and trusting your instincts, you can fully immerse yourself in Budapest’s exciting nightlife scene while prioritizing your safety and well-being. Enjoy the city’s vibrant atmosphere, but always remember to be responsible and make informed decisions throughout your stay.

Keep emergency numbers handy 

In the event of an emergency, having essential phone numbers easily accessible is of utmost importance. In Hungary, the universal emergency number is 112, which can be dialed to contact the police, ambulance, or fire department. Additionally, it is highly recommended to keep the contact details of your country’s embassy or consulate in Budapest on hand.

You can learn more about emergency services from our Emergency Care in Budapest guide.

Be respectful of local customs and laws 

When visiting Hungary, it’s essential to be aware that the country has a unique set of customs and laws that may vary from those you’re accustomed to in your native land. To ensure a safe and enjoyable stay, take the time to acquaint yourself with local regulations, including restrictions on smoking and the consumption of alcohol in public areas. By showing respect for Hungary’s traditions and customs, you’ll not only minimize potential risks but also enhance your overall experience while exploring this fascinating country.


By prioritizing your safety and using good judgment, you can fully immerse yourself in the wonders of Budapest without undue concerns. Keep in mind that the overwhelming majority of visitors to Budapest enjoy their stay without encountering any safety problems. It’s essential to familiarize yourself with local customs and laws, and to always show respect for the city’s rich traditions and cultural heritage. With some careful planning and mindfulness, your journey to Budapest will be filled with indelible memories and extraordinary experiences. Embrace the allure and enchantment of this remarkable city, and create enduring recollections in one of Europe’s most captivating destinations.