Budapest stories

Archangel Gabriel’s Statue at Heroes’ Square Leaves Its Post For The First Time

In a city where history and art intertwine, Budapest is home to countless iconic landmarks that have stood the test of time. Today, we bring you the story of one such masterpiece – the statue of Archangel Gabriel, perched atop the towering Corinthian column at Heroes’ Square. After more than 120 years of watching over the city, this magnificent bronze sculpture is set to embark on a journey of restoration.

The Archangel Gabriel statue, standing an impressive five meters tall, has seen its condition deteriorate drastically over the decades. Previous renovations focused solely on aesthetic improvements, leaving the underlying structure untouched. However, the time has come for a comprehensive restoration to bring this celestial guardian back to its former glory.

Starting from July 22nd, the Városliget Zrt., the asset management company overseeing the project, will begin constructing a scaffolding system around the 36-meter-high column. This will allow for the safe removal of the statue and its transportation to a restoration workshop. Depending on the internal condition assessment, the restoration process is expected to take between 6 to 12 months, aiming to restore the statue to its original state.

The National Heritage Institute will oversee the restoration, with the winning bidder of a public procurement process taking on the task. Visitors to Heroes’ Square can expect to see Archangel Gabriel return to its rightful place atop the column in the first half of 2025. During the restoration, both the bronze statue and the Corinthian capital supporting it will be reinforced.

Interestingly, this is not the only iconic statue currently undergoing restoration in Budapest. The famous Statue of Liberty on Gellért Hill, a symbol of the city’s resilience and freedom, is also receiving some much-needed care and attention.

The Archangel Gabriel statue, created by sculptor György Zala, was unveiled on October 24, 1901, as part of the Millennium Monument at Heroes’ Square. This monument, with the archangel at its center, has become an emblematic symbol of Hungary, attracting both domestic and foreign tourists. While the monument underwent a partial renovation between 1995 and 1996, focusing on the reconstruction of the seven chieftains’ statues and the Archangel Gabriel statue, the latter only received surface-level repairs due to time and resource constraints.

In 2021, during preparations for the International Eucharistic Congress, the statue was cleaned and re-patinated. It was during this process that the National Heritage Institute discovered serious damage to the statue, necessitating a more comprehensive restoration. The bronze main figure and the bronze ornaments of the Corinthian capital beneath it were found to be in critical condition, requiring removal and extensive restoration in a workshop setting.

As the restoration process begins, the statue will be meticulously documented using 3D scanning technology, allowing for a detailed, modern assessment of its condition. The sculpture will then be carefully dismantled and transported to the restoration site, where it will undergo a thorough examination and restoration process.

The story of Archangel Gabriel’s statue is not just about the restoration of a work of art; it is a testament to the enduring spirit of Budapest and its commitment to preserving its rich cultural heritage. As the city eagerly awaits the return of its celestial guardian, we are reminded of the importance of cherishing and protecting the masterpieces that define our history and identity.

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