Millennium Underground Museum: Travel Through Time in Budapest

Millennium Underground Museum Budapest

The Millennium Underground Museum in Budapest is a fascinating attraction that offers visitors a glimpse into the history of the city’s underground railway system. Located in the heart of Budapest, this museum is a must-visit for anyone interested in transportation, history, or unique experiences.


The Millennium Underground Museum in Budapest offers a fascinating glimpse into the history of the city’s pioneering underground railway system. Located in the heart of the city center, the museum is housed within an authentic tunnel section that was once part of the original Millennium Underground line.

Upon entering the museum, visitors are greeted by the original “Gizella tér” inscription, crafted from beautiful Zsolnay glazed tiles, which once adorned the downtown terminus. The entrance hall also features tableaus listing the contributors who played a vital role in establishing the underground railway.

One of the museum’s highlights is the display of three original carriages from the Millennium Underground, each with its own unique history. Carriage number 19, dating back to 1896, has been meticulously restored to its original condition, while carriage number 1, also from 1896, is presented in its state at the time of its withdrawal from service in 1973. The third carriage, number 81, is a four-wheeled driving trailer that was introduced between 1959 and 1960 to increase the line’s capacity.

Opposite the carriages, a series of showcases presents a wealth of relics, original documents, photographs, and models that chronicle the underground railway’s history from its construction to the present day. Visitors can explore plans, maps, and building reports that offer insights into the engineering and design of this groundbreaking transportation system. The exhibition also includes a section dedicated to the construction of Budapest’s more recent metro lines, providing a comprehensive overview of the city’s underground transportation network.

The museum’s collection is further enriched by a marble plate that recounts the visit of Franz Joseph, the Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary, who traveled on the underground railway with his entourage during the millennial celebrations in 1896. This historic event led to the railway being named after the emperor, a testament to its significance in Budapest’s history.

In addition to the permanent exhibits, the Millennium Underground Museum also hosts periodic exhibitions, educational programs, and a children’s corner, ensuring that visitors of all ages can engage with and learn from the museum’s rich collection. A museum shop offers souvenirs and mementos for those wishing to take a piece of this fascinating history home with them.

House Rules

To ensure a pleasant experience for all visitors, the museum has a set of house rules. These include no smoking, no food or drink, and no photography with flash. Visitors are asked to respect the exhibits and not touch or climb on the carriages. The museum is accessible to people with disabilities, but due to the nature of the underground location, some areas may be challenging to navigate.

Nearby Attractions

The Millennium Underground Museum is located in the city center of Budapest, making it easy to combine with other nearby attractions. Visitors can explore the iconic St. Stephen’s Basilica, take a stroll along the Danube River, or visit the Hungarian Parliament Building. The museum is also close to numerous restaurants, cafes, and shops, making it a convenient stop during a day of sightseeing.

Getting There

The museum is located at the Deák Ferenc tér metro station, which is accessible by the M1, M2, and M3 metro lines. Visitors can also reach the museum by bus or tram, with several stops located nearby. For those driving, parking can be found in the surrounding streets or in nearby parking garages.


The Millennium Underground Museum is a unique and educational attraction that offers visitors a fascinating look at Budapest’s transportation history. With its convenient location, engaging exhibits, and range of services, this museum is an excellent addition to any itinerary when visiting the beautiful city of Budapest.

Millennium Underground Museum Budapest